Aha !

Wandering through the maze of new technologies on the web , I occasionally can shout AHA ! in a moment of understanding !

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Well..2 days in a row..I'm doing well !! Found twitter useful, though still getting to know it. Looked up info on libraries and found an interesting "global" journal called "The chronicle of higher education" in which academic libraries are called to redefine themselves in the context of growing virtual resources, social networks etc. in order to justify their existence in an era of tight budgeting
On a different tack... an article from" Curriculum Leadership" journal contains article on Teacher Librarian shortage which has been uncovered with the recent government infusion of money to build new school libraries. Search uses keywords to link to other articles.

On a personal note..enjoyed the variety of links when searching Mem Fox..from reading tips and resources to library venues where she is a guest speaker to a stage show based on "The Magic Hat" !!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Back again !

Hi..I'm back again, after a bit of a break. Have just started to add a few bits and pieces to my blog as I start the 2.1 course. Think I'm beginning to get the hang of it ! Will do more soon ! Forgotten how to change the font etc. Will look into it next time. Have enjoyed reading entries in a friend's personal blog which she updates regularly. Haven't quite got to the stage of keeping a regular personal blog yet.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Google docs

Just did a smiley face as a prototype !! Not very exciting, but the theory is that anyone(I've invited) can alter that (or a more serious) document. In a library context we can together design advertising or do a whole program from our own different locations.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Silent podcasts !

Couldn't actually hear the podcasts as restricted access..but get the idea....and have heard them before. Could be really useful for library tours and storytime. Remember hearing a podcast of a storytime created by a school for National Literacy/Numeracy Week a few years ago. At that stage I wasn't adventurous enough to create one myself !!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I can do it ! (I think)


Has this mashup worked ?

Nope..just deleted the address I thought I had pasted to the right spot..will try again later. Can I transfer it from downloads, or does it have to be from desktop ?

Can see the value in them..particularly in areas like advertising; community local history projects with young and old. The young can use the technology to work collaboratively with the old. Children's work..bringing alive authors, subjects etc.

Just found "Write a literary mash-up..." article written by the "Books" section of the Los Angeles Times. Invitation to the public with a laptop as a prize ! Could use this in a library context (maybe not the same kind of prize !) ..base it on a theme, current community project etc.

Monday, May 31, 2010

"Slamming the boards"

Interesting to note these lessons were devised in 2007/2008..Is this practise still happening ? Is there still value in it. I know I have read library Q & A sites that have been helpful, but when I have personally sent in questions , this form of communication has been low on staff's priority list so response has been slow.

Librarything !

Nice to find librarything easy to use ! Now to try to add link to it..here goes !

Hmm despite checking helpline..it's still a mystery to me. Will come back later. Did this work ?

Think I may have put it in the wrong place..where should it be ?

Friday, May 28, 2010


yay ! I think i have successfully embedded a video.! Much thanks to other people's blogs on how to actually do it! Instant lesson on the value of blogs !

Having got past the stress of the last few lessons , I now realise I can choose my fonts ! Ah..tiny footsteps to growing enlightenment.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hi again... (still?)

Have been looking at lesson 5..use of videos etc.

Realized I have come across them a fair bit in the past...personal usage (my daughter made an AMAZING origami Yoda (spelling?) using a youTube video. In case you're curious, have a look. BUT beware..it took her all day to complete !

Students I have worked within in the past when researching a topic have sometimes conveniently(!) found a video rather than print material .

Can see in the library context you could use this visual media for planning purposes..from the layout of collections (communicating via a wiki with architects and others involved with this process). Could be fun to explore different authors or subjects for students, parents etc.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wiki ! Friend or foe !

Just reading through wiki stuff (eg articles on their reliability and uses) has made me much less cynical about their value. To be honest, I have used them when working with students in a school environment in the past..particularly when a simple summary is needed.

Interesting to read comments on their accuracy. I usually communicate that they do have their uses.. it depends on the kind of info you need...whether accuracy is very important (eg medical facts , statistics etc).

The idea of being able to share information is fantastic...collaborative works ! Maybe it's time for me to open the family tree wiki I have been given links to ages ago !

Interesting questions raised also about the value of info contained..and lack of academic scholarship. Hmm really does break open ideas of ownership of information !

Library wiki is useful..would have been useful for me in the past in a community library context where I was searching for ways of organizing that particular collection.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just had a look at RSS..can see the value of it for anything where you need to be constantly updating your info. eg job noticeboards, daily news, current reviews of authors and their works, current research for students, etc...

Saves wading through endless mountains of results on a topic and repetitive enquiries. Someone (something !) else does the work !!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I've begun !!

With fear (just a little bit !) and trepidation (and I suppose if I'm honest..also a bit of curiosity) I take my first tiny steps into the world of BLOGDOM.

21st century..here I come.

It has taken a compulsory component of the library course to get me started...although a friend ages ago suggested I start a blog to keep in touch. Maybe later, when I have my "P" plates.

So.....HERE GOES....

(off for some chocolate to recover..back later)